Best Reality Checks For Lucid Dreaming

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Lucid dreaming is an incredible phenomenon that allows you to become aware and control your dreams. But how can you enhance your lucid dreaming experiences? One key technique is using reality checks, which help you determine whether you are in a dream or in reality. In this article, we will explore the best reality checks that can help you unlock the world of lucid dreaming, enabling you to explore limitless possibilities within the realm of your subconscious mind. From the simple yet effective techniques to the more advanced approaches, get ready to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and adventure in your dreams. So, let’s dive in and discover the best reality checks for lucid dreaming!

Importance of Reality Checks in Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is an extraordinary and unique phenomenon that allows you to become fully aware and conscious while you are dreaming. It opens up a whole new world where you can explore, create, and experience anything your imagination desires. However, achieving and maintaining lucidity in dreams can be a challenging feat. This is where reality checks come into play.

Reality checks are crucial tools for achieving and sustaining lucid dreams. They serve as a reminder to question your reality and establish whether you are dreaming or in the waking world. By regularly performing reality checks throughout the day, you train your brain to question the nature of reality during the dream state as well. This simple practice can significantly increase your chances of achieving lucidity and experiencing incredible dream adventures.

Understanding the Concept of Lucid Dreaming

Before we delve into the importance of reality checks in lucid dreaming, let’s gain a better understanding of what lucid dreaming actually entails. Lucid dreaming occurs when you become aware that you are dreaming while the dream is in progress. It is like waking up within a dream, where you have the ability to consciously control the events, characters, and settings of your dreamscape.

Lucid dreaming offers a plethora of benefits, including enhanced creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional healing. It can also be a source of pure joy and exhilaration, as you have the freedom to defy the laws of physics and explore beyond the limitations of the real world. To tap into the vast potential of lucid dreaming, it is crucial to incorporate reality checks into your daily routine.

Best Reality Checks For Lucid Dreaming

Benefits of Reality Checks in Lucid Dreaming

Reality checks serve as reality-testing tools that bridge the gap between the waking world and the dream realm. By performing these checks consistently, you are training your mind to critically assess your surroundings and establish your state of consciousness. The benefits of reality checks in lucid dreaming are numerous and profound. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

Heightened Self-Awareness:

Reality checks cultivate a sense of self-awareness, both in your waking life and during dreams. As you perform regular reality checks throughout the day, you become more conscious of the present moment and your overall state of being. This heightened self-awareness carries over into your dreams, making it easier to recognize the dream state and trigger lucidity.

Increased Dream Recall:

By incorporating reality checks into your daily routine, you sharpen your dream recall abilities. Reality checks act as prompts for your brain to remember and analyze your dreams upon waking. This practice strengthens the dream recall muscle, allowing you to vividly remember and relish the details of your dreams, making them more accessible for lucid exploration.

Effortless Lucidity:

When reality checks become ingrained in your waking routine, they become habitual even during dreams. This can lead to spontaneous reality checks within the dream state, where you will naturally question your reality and trigger lucidity. The more you practice reality checks, the more likely you are to experience moments of effortless lucidity, where your dreams seamlessly transition into conscious awareness.

Enhanced Dream Control:

Reality checks provide a practical way to verify whether you are dreaming or awake. Once you become aware that you are in a dream, reality checks allow you to anchor your consciousness and maintain lucidity. By practicing specific reality checks, you can solidify your presence in the dream world and actively control the dream narrative, leading to incredible and immersive dream experiences.

Now that we understand the benefits of reality checks in lucid dreaming let’s explore different types of reality checks that you can incorporate into your practice.

Visual Reality Checks

Visual reality checks utilize the distinct characteristics of the dream world to prompt lucidity. Let’s explore some effective visual reality checks that can help you differentiate between the dream and waking states:

Hand Reality Check:

One of the most reliable visual reality checks involves inspecting your hands. In the dream world, your hands might appear distorted, have an abnormal number of fingers, or change form altogether. Stand still, examine your hands, and count your fingers. In the waking world, you should have five fingers on each hand. However, in the dream world, you might notice an unusual number of fingers, or fingers merging together. If you observe any abnormalities, you will know you are dreaming and can proceed with lucid exploration.

Finger Counting Reality Check:

Similar to the hand reality check, finger counting can be an effective reality check. Hold your hands out in front of you and count your fingers. In dreams, finger counting often leads to inconsistent or incorrect results. You might count more or fewer fingers than the customary five. This visual anomaly serves as a cue to recognize that you are in a dream state and fosters lucidity.

Reality Check with Text:

Text in dreams often morphs or changes when you look away and then look back again. Take a moment to read some text, look away, and then read it again. In a dream, the text might appear jumbled, illegible, or completely different when you return your gaze. This visual distortion indicates that you are dreaming and can act as a trigger for lucidity.

Light Switch Reality Check:

In dreams, light switches often fail to work as expected. The act of flicking a light switch on or off can be a reminder to question reality. During a reality check, try to turn on or off a light switch. If the lights do not respond accordingly or behave erratically, you are likely in a dream. This realization can spark lucidity, allowing you to take control of the dream environment.

Mirror Reality Check:

Mirrors can be powerful tools for reality checking. In dreams, reflections in mirrors may not accurately reflect your appearance, or they might warp and distort. Gaze into a mirror and observe your reflection closely. If your reflection appears fragmented or unrecognizable, you will know that you are in a dream. This prompts lucid awareness and sets the stage for incredible dream exploration.

Now that we have explored visual reality checks, let’s move on to physical reality checks.

Best Reality Checks For Lucid Dreaming

Physical Reality Checks

Physical reality checks involve engaging your physical body to ascertain your state of consciousness. These checks can be highly effective in providing tangible evidence that you are either dreaming or awake. Here are two physical reality checks to incorporate into your lucid dreaming practice:

Nose Plug Reality Check:

The nose plug reality check involves attempting to breathe through your closed nostrils. Pinch your nostrils shut with your fingers and try to inhale. In the waking world, you will experience resistance and not be able to breathe. However, in a dream, you can often breathe freely through your closed nostrils. If you find yourself effortlessly inhaling while your nose is plugged, you can be certain that you are dreaming and can initiate lucidity.

Gravity Reality Check:

The gravity reality check focuses on the sensation of gravity within dreams. Stand still and try to levitate or float off the ground. In the waking world, gravity will keep you grounded. However, in a dream, you might defy gravity and experience weightlessness or the ability to float. If you feel a profound sense of weightlessness during your reality check, you can be confident that you are in a dream state.

Physical reality checks provide concrete evidence of whether you are dreaming or awake. By incorporating them into your lucid dreaming practice, you are conditioning your body to become an ally in the pursuit of lucid dreams. Now, let’s explore mental reality checks.

Mental Reality Checks

Mental reality checks involve examining your thoughts, memories, and overall mental state to establish your level of consciousness. Through introspection and mindfulness, you can enhance your chances of experiencing lucidity. Here are two mental reality checks that can aid your journey:

Memory Reality Check:

Mental reality checks like memory verification can be highly effective in establishing your state of consciousness. Pause and reflect on your recent memories, attempting to recall events that happened in the past hour or two. In a dream, memories might be hazy, inconsistent, or completely fabricated. If you struggle to recollect recent events or find inconsistencies in your memory, this can be a sign that you are dreaming.

Dream Journal Reality Check:

Another powerful mental reality check involves reviewing your dream journal regularly. Keep a dream journal by your bedside and make a habit of recording your dreams immediately upon waking. By consistently documenting and analyzing your dreams, you train your brain to recognize familiar dream patterns and themes. This increased familiarity can be an invaluable tool when it comes to distinguishing dreams from reality and attaining lucidity.

By engaging in mental reality checks, you are training your mind to be more present, observant, and reflective. These checks lay the foundation for heightened self-awareness, which is essential for triggering and maintaining lucidity in dreams.

Best Reality Checks For Lucid Dreaming

Environmental Reality Checks

Environmental reality checks utilize the context and characteristics of your surroundings to prompt lucidity. By scrutinizing elements in your environment, you can gain valuable insights into your state of consciousness. Here are two environmental reality checks to incorporate into your practice:

Time Reality Check:

Checking the time can be an effective reality check. In dreams, the concept of time can feel distorted, with clocks and watches behaving erratically. Glance at a clock or watch, look away, and then look back again. If the time changes drastically or appears inconsistent, it is an indication that you are dreaming. This prompts lucidity and serves as a gateway to captivating dream adventures.

Location Reality Check:

Location reality checks involve examining your surroundings and evaluating their accuracy. In dreams, the environment often undergoes drastic changes or combines various locations into one. Take a moment to question your surroundings and compare them to your expectations. If you find yourself in a place that defies the laws of physics or combines elements from different locations, it is likely that you are dreaming.

Environmental reality checks can provide valuable clues and hints that point to the dream state. By staying observant and inquisitive about your environment, you enhance your chances of achieving lucid dreams.

Combined Reality Checks

Reality checks are most effective when performed in conjunction with one another. By combining multiple reality checks, you strengthen your presence of mind, making it easier to differentiate dreams from reality. Let’s explore the importance of reality check routines and the benefits of using multiple reality checks:

Reality Check Routines:

Incorporating reality checks into your daily routine can significantly increase their effectiveness. Set aside specific times throughout the day to pause, question your reality, and engage in various reality checks. By creating a routine, you train your brain to be more mindful and present, both during waking life and within dreams. Make it a habit to perform reality checks when you wake up in the morning, during regular intervals throughout the day, and before you go to bed. This consistent practice strengthens your ability to recognize the dream state and achieve lucidity.

Using Multiple Reality Checks:

Using multiple reality checks simultaneously amplifies their effectiveness. By combining visual, physical, mental, and environmental reality checks, you create a multi-faceted approach to questioning reality. For example, during a reality check, you can inspect your hands (visual reality check), hold your nose and check if you can still breathe (physical reality check), reflect on your memories (mental reality check), and evaluate your surroundings (environmental reality check). This multi-layered approach increases the likelihood of detecting the dream state and triggering lucidity.

By embracing reality check routines and incorporating a combination of checks, you develop a comprehensive approach to exploring lucid dreaming. Let’s now explore some tips for effective reality checks.

Best Reality Checks For Lucid Dreaming

Tips for Effective Reality Checks

To maximize the effectiveness of your reality checks, keep the following tips in mind:

Consistency is Key:

Consistency is vital when it comes to reality checks. Set a reminder or use a smartphone app to prompt yourself to perform reality checks regularly throughout the day. By cultivating a consistent practice, you train your brain to be more aware of the dream state and increase the chances of lucidity.

Questioning Reality:

Approach reality checks with a genuine sense of curiosity and skepticism. Instead of going through the motions mechanically, truly question the nature of your reality. Treat each reality check as an opportunity to explore and discover whether you are dreaming or awake.

Practice Mindfulness:

Incorporate mindfulness into your reality check routine. Stay fully present and engaged in each reality check, using all your senses to observe and evaluate your surroundings. Embrace the present moment, cultivating a state of mind that is primed for lucid dreaming.

By implementing these tips, you can elevate the effectiveness of your reality checks, bringing you closer to the awe-inspiring world of lucid dreaming.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure the success of your reality check practice, be mindful of these common mistakes:

Lack of Frequency:

Performing reality checks sporadically or infrequently diminishes their effectiveness. The more you practice reality checks throughout the day, the more ingrained they become in your subconscious mind. Make it a priority to perform reality checks regularly, at predetermined intervals, and during specific trigger events.

Lack of Awareness:

Performing reality checks mindlessly or without genuine presence undermines their purpose. Avoid going through the motions mechanically and take a moment to truly engage with each reality check. Stay fully aware and attentive, actively questioning your reality. This heightened state of awareness increases the chances of achieving lucidity.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can maximize the potential of reality checks in your lucid dreaming practice.

Best Reality Checks For Lucid Dreaming

Reality Checks and Dream Induction Techniques

Reality checks can be seamlessly integrated with different dream induction techniques to enhance their effectiveness. Here are two popular techniques that incorporate reality checks:

Reality Checks in Combination with WILD Technique:

The Wake-Induced Lucid Dreaming (WILD) technique involves transitioning directly from a waking state to a lucid dream. One effective approach is to perform multiple reality checks during the transition process. As you lie down to sleep, remain fully aware and focus on your intention to have a lucid dream. Perform reality checks, such as checking your hands or examining your surroundings, while gently falling asleep. This practice strengthens the connection between reality checks and the dream state, increasing the odds of achieving lucidity.

Reality Checks during MILD Technique:

The Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) technique involves setting intentions and repeating affirmations to trigger lucidity. Incorporating reality checks into the MILD technique can deepen the impact of affirmations. As you repeat your lucidity affirmations, visualize yourself performing reality checks in a dream, reinforcing the association between reality checks and the dream state. This integration strengthens your intention to question reality, promoting lucidity during dreams.

By combining reality checks with dream induction techniques, you create a synergistic approach to achieving lucidity and embarking on incredible dream adventures.


Reality checks are an essential component of a successful lucid dreaming practice. They provide the bridge between waking life and the dream world, allowing you to question your reality and trigger lucidity. By incorporating visual, physical, mental, and environmental reality checks into your daily routine, you enhance your self-awareness and increase your chances of achieving awe-inspiring lucid dreams.

Through consistent practice, combined reality checks, and mindfulness, you forge a powerful connection with your dreamscape. Reality checks serve as constant reminders to question your surroundings, evaluate your state of consciousness, and embrace the wonder of lucid dreaming. By implementing reality checks into your practice, you unlock the gateway to limitless possibilities and embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and adventure within your dreams. So, go ahead, embrace the world of lucid dreaming, and let reality checks be your guiding light to extraordinary dream experiences.